Professional Writers Network
Rizwan Akhtar

Published Writer
Connections: 14


Profile and Writing interests

Rizwan Akhtar is the Assistant Professor at in the department of English, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan. His first collection of poems Lahore I am Coming has received tremendous applause in and outside the country. He has also published poems in well-established poetry magazines of the UK, US, India, Canada and New Zealand. The Bridge Volume II features one of his poems that has received fabulous warmth by the readers. Rizwan Akhtar has written poems like In Times of Self-Isolation, published in Glasgow West End, The End of the Pandemic, published in 3 Quarks Daily, and The Other Side of Lockdown that appeared in Bath Magg: A Magazine of New Poetry. He also chose to write about Kashmir and called it A Requiem for Kashmir. He has also done a 5 weeks workshop on poetry with Derek Walcott at the University of Essex in 2010.

My Publications

Lahore I am Coming  (Collection of Poems)

My upcoming aspirations/Plans

Second collection of poems is in the process of compilation.