Micro Fiction - June, 2021

The Significant Other ! by Zunaira Usman - Pakistan
After being so much impressed by how love and affection between souls enhanced and how the bonding got stronger with the years passing on, hands in hands, they were discussing all about the new beginnings. She made breakfast tea for him. He always had tea with her, no matter what time of the day it was. He held his office bag and headed towards the car shaking hands with his wife. Missing your other half when he gets separate just for a few hours is natural, she thought. Being habitual of this sadness, she closed the main door and went in the kitchen...
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Orphan by Dirha Qazi - Pakistan
Oxygen cylinders were standing at the doorway of Neeta’s house that was closed for 2 months. Neeta dusted off the handle with her napkin and unlocked the door. The lounge was all dim and hushed. The first thing her eyes got on were the masks spread on the dining table. Neeta closed the door and...
Read More Comment(s) 2Micro Fiction - June, 2021

The Pair of Shoes by Komal Naeem - Pakistan
Night was falling hurriedly. A little boy aged nine with disheveled hair, wearing dirty trousers and a worn out coat was returning home after a long day. He had a bucket of soap water in his one hand, a cleaning cloth in the other. He had no shoes in his feet and was only wearing a ragged pair of socks. He seemed to be in a hurry, taking big steps with small feet. Soon he entered a quiet, dark and cold neighborhood with a single lamp post by the end of the street. Panting heavily he sat under the lamp post and started counting some broken money and coins from his hands and pockets...
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