Selected Poem - May, 2023
In Search of Lord! by Amina Ali - Pakistan
I travelled miles
Nothing found, as yet –
Seas sing your symphonies
Envelope the earth in mysteries
At a breath’s distance, yet soo far
Rightly guiding like a night star
Colours flamboyant you paint
Hell and paradise, you create...
Read More Comment(s) 5Story Of The Month - March, 2023
A Moment of Joy ! by Amina Ali - Pakistan
The memory was still carved in her head. The memory of when...
Cherry blossoms were falling all around. The fragrance of moist soil intermingled with that of flowers to enrich the air. The rain last night drenched the grass. The soil of the garden was still moist yet nothing could refrain her from wandering in her most beloved place. Dressed in a raincoat, wearing boots, she walked here and there in search of a company. Her sight caught him. He sat all alone by himself on a bench outside the garden when she burst his bubble of isolation. It was an awkward interaction that made them feel butterflies in their stomachs. From then on, he followed her around like a shadow as she slowly became his centre. In no time, it became his habit to anxiously wait for her arrival in that garden. It was astonishing that he calmly heard her out for hours. At times, when she was severely sick and not allowed to walk in the garden, he would knock at her door with handful of flowers and chocolates. This was the beauty of unfiltered life that they found contentment in mundane things.
Blink... Blink... She woke up from the dream in a state of drowsiness. She looked around, gathered the stamina to wear slippers and walked in the room for a bit. She gently picked it up and moved her hand over it, the picture that spoke a million words. It was taken at a time when they were together. A blue smile was apparent on her face. She gently closed her eyes to remember that period. Words echoed in her mind; “Love always comes wrapped in toil and turmoil. When one is in agony, love renders a healing power to the other. Remember, we are one, if one of us is troubled, the other selflessly gives his hundred percent and it works wonders”. He said this when her severe illness confined her within the four walls of a hospital room. She stood remembering, how she hated the pungent smell of medicines yet he would make her engulf them. How soothing to recall the care someone gave you when you direly need it. But now, life had become honey poison for her. Who said time heals? Each day, time like a parasite drew her will to live.
She was indulged in thoughts when the bell rang. It diverted her attention towards the door. She returned the framed picture to its place and went to answer the door...
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Poem Of The Month - February, 2023
An Honest Betrayal ! by Amina Ali - Pakistan
Off he goes to earn bread,
Attached with him a thousand strings-
Of unattended desires,
Oh ! But her dazzling eyes,
For which he lives, for which he dies,
Yet, as time goes,
The youth fades and the glow diminishes,
If she asks,
He smiles it off...
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