Selected Poem - July, 2021

Love's a Promise ! by Syeda Faiza Babar - Pakistan

Unfulfilled dreams and tears unwept

Words that are said aren’t actually meant

Letting you down and making you fall

Love it is, that’s what they call

It leaves you with a shattered heart...

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Selected Poem - June, 2021

Nightmare by Maham Fatima - Pakistan

I saw it lurking in darkness

An indomitable phantom

A most arcane creature

Utterly disheveled yet oddly familiar

Visage marred with unbridled carnality

Compelling me to avert my eyes

As it approached me

My pulse leapt into my throat

And my heart skittered to a stop

It’s unrelenting and vile gaze

Arrested the breath from my lungs

Until I found myself grappling for air...

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Selected Poem - May, 2021

The Serenity I Long For! by Duaa Shahid - Pakistan

A group of foggy stratus clouds

Hides all the mountain tops

And the sprinkled snow over the surface

Looks like the drops fallen from the clouds

The cedar trees exist in random positions...

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Selected Poem - May, 2021

The Serenity I Long For! by Komal Naeem - Pakistan

The Serenity I long for,
Is to not think what happens tomorrow,
But be able to reside only in the present.
So that my heart’s silent,
and never desires anything more.
The Serenity I long for,
Is when all I hear around,
Is the Earth’s sound,
When it revolves on its axis...

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Selected Poem - April, 2021

Faith in Divinity by Komal Naeem - Pakistan

When you lose yourself,

in the darkest times.

You feel yourself entrapped,

and the walls are closing in on you.

You drag yourself every day,

from one hopeless situation to another.

You feel like letting yourself go,

in the abyss around.


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Selected Poem - March, 2021

A Drop of my Heart Escaped my Existence ! by Dirha Qazi - Pakistan

A drop of my Heart escaped my existence.

Burgeoning, expanding, embracing the ambience

Crawling upwards, Pushing against the bars;

Dancing and laughing upon the world’s Transience

Escaping, as if nothing ever held it in past...

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Selected Poem - March, 2021

Colors by Mirza Asfandyar Baig - Pakistan

Like a black null void

It slithers in ruins

Only painted

In the darkness

Revering it profoundly

Whilst I paint the canvas...

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Selected Poem - March, 2021

Confessions of a Deferred Muse by Rizwan Akhtar - Pakistan

--for Rebecca 

The silence this time is of different tone

wedged between a feather and a bird

an unwincing wind scatters its body


but you are simply intact and whole

though my interventions cluttered ...

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Selected Poem - February, 2021

The Shrill Shrieks of Silence by Ayeza Yousaf - Pakistan

The wind howled like a hound,

Windows clattered and then sound,

A sudden crack on the roof,

And a splatter of blood on the floor...

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Selected Poem - January, 2021

Transition by Mubashra Malik - Pakistan

When Cocooned in a mother’s arms

Upon a gentle brush of lips, I thought

It is soft, fierce and wonderful.

Tiny hand wrapped around a father’s finger

Upon the sight of twinkling eyes with smile, I thought

It is deep wrapped with pride.


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